Thursday, 4 August 2011

Changing IP and hostname in Application Server 10g

Because we moved our new OEM10gr2 server to the datacenter, the IP address and the hostname changed. When added to the datacenter I had to start all the services again, but first I had to change the opmn configuration. Instead of changing all the config files by hand, I noticed a shell script in the $OMS_HOME/chgip/scripts, called

This script changes all the config files and replaces the ip and hostname. It will ask you for the source and target ip/hostname...

Task : Run the chgiphost Command

Follow these steps for each middle-tier instance on your host. Be sure to complete the steps entirely for one middle-tier instance before you move on to the next.

  1. Log in to the host as the user that installed the middle-tier instance.

  2. Ensure your ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set to the middle-tier Oracle home.

  3. Run the following commands in the middle-tier Oracle home:

    cd ORACLE_HOME\chgip\scripts chgiphost.bat -mid
    ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl stopall
    ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl startall
Saved my lot of time..

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